Energy Healing and Time Warps

Time Warps

Is “time” a constant, or can it be changed with Energy?

In 1915 Albert Einstein published his theories of relativity and Geodetic effect. His publication brought the phenomenon coined space and time continuum to human awareness. Since then, the subject has been at the forefront of many academic debates to be either endorsed or disavowed. Einstein’s Geodetic effect was confirmed in 2005 when NASA satellite Gravity Probe B sends data to validate it. Einstein’s theory states that an object in the universe, such as a planet, will warp the fabric of space and time. When he formulated his theory, he conceptualized it at the speed of light. However, in more recent experiments, it shows that even at low velocity but at varying altitude time is warped. The results were measured in Nano-Second, and do not have any substantial effect on our lives. Nevertheless, those experiments provided empirical proof that “time warp” is possible.

“For now, according to physicists, humans are not bouncing in time yet.”

In articles written by Professor S.W.Hawking, including in one of his lectures, he stated that based on current understanding, and theories rapid space-travel, or travel back in time, can’t be ruled out. Even though no one can formulate a practical way to time travel yet, it is currently under study.

While doing some research before this writing, I came across an article written by Dale Power. In the article, he explained how, when doing teleportation experiments, from September to November 2004, he noticed some variation in the clock within his proximity and the other ones in the building. He was able to refine his technique in a way that he could change the time when traveling. In the article, he also gives specific instructions on how to warp time.

Can a bust of Energy during meditation change the linear time of our reality?

gravity probe b
Gravity probe b

So what does time travel and Einstein have to do with Energy healing? Nothing and everything. Let me explain. I had a “very exceptional ” experience a couple of days ago. I have given it a lot of thought as to whether or not to share it. After sharing my experience with another person and noticed his reaction, I decided to share it with the general public.

Being an Energy healing practitioner, I often meditate. Sometimes I meditate in a hot bath. A few days ago, I decided to take a bath in the morning. I usually take my bath in the evening. It was 10:30 by a couple of numeric digital clocks in the house. I ran my bath, got in, and start relaxing. After a few minutes, I started meditating, inspired by the moment. It was very profound. During the meditation, I felt lots of energy flowing, and I even got the inspiration for a new Energy Healing process. When I came back to the present moment, the bathwater was lukewarm. From that observation, I knew that I have been in the tub for a long time. Imagine my surprise when getting into the bedroom, the clock was showing 10:40. I quickly checked the time on the other clocks around the house. They were all showing 10:40. I definitively could not have been in the

bath for only 10 minutes base on the water temperature. I would have had to be in a subzero environment to experience such a rapid drop in the water temperature.

My mind was racing, trying to find all sorts of possible answers to rationalize this experience to no avail. There was only one possible explanation I concluded. I was able to, unconsciously, warp time during my meditation. The universe has given me a glyph of my infinite potential.

Would I be able to experience this again?

I do not know.

What I do know. IT IS POSSIBLE.

Had you, the reader, ever experience something similar? Please comment below or on my Facebook Page. I would like to know if others have had a similar experience and have not come forward in fear of being judged.

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