

What our happy clients say

Those testimonials below are the reason why we will keep doing this until our last breath

The first time I experienced energized water was when I had a tooth ache. On the right side of my mouth all of my molars were causing me pain.

Having to attend classes I had to deal with the pain for about 3 hours before I could take care of it. I am not a believer that medicine is the answer to every pain that you have and not wanting to take any pills I called Juan.   I was instructed have a glass of water and to tell him where I put the glass, Juan energized it for me. About 30 minutes after drink the energized water I no longer had the tooth ache.

 -AlexandraEmmitsburg, Maryland.

To fix my broken ankle a metal rod was attached to it. Since then, it continuously ache whenever it rains or it is cold. This winter (2014), it has been bothering me a lot to the point where my pain medication were not giving me the relief needed.

Juan suggested some Reiki and after 3 short sessions the pain subsided and I could go on with my day without any pain medication.

 KarenForest Hill, Maryland. 

I have struggled with my weight all of my life along with negative self- talk and unhelpful underlying beliefs. Juan has worked with me using Sub-conscious reprogramming and my outlook has already changed. I recognise my negativity – and my whole body and mind and spirit has embraced a positivity that I have not had before. I KNOW this time I WILL keep the weight off. Thanks Juan

Ann D. Melbourne Australia

AnnMelbourne Australia

I had an issue in my groin area that was not pain but more of a discomfort. It puzzled me as I could do everything as normal except when I got in my car, I had to basically help my right leg into the car by lifting it. The discomfort was there for more than a month, and I kept telling myself it was probably a pulled muscle and was going to go away.

One evening talking to Juan casually about it, he said: ‘Ok, let’s fix it’. He did a session of energy healing. After a very short moment after, he asked me to get in my car and check if the discomfort was still there. I could not believe it; there was no discomfort at all.

I told my wife about it and we were both very grateful. The next morning I got in my car and left for work. When I was at work, I realised I had no discomfort when getting in the car again. I sent my wife a text message and told her all about it, all excited as a young kid and so happy to be healed. Thank you Juan.

 JoskaMelbourne Australia.

I have had neck trouble, which had become chronic. Nothing I did or tried or went to, helped for any length of time and I had pretty well given up ever being able to fix it. Juan showed me how this was connected to my emotional state and through the use of his Emotional Freedom Process, my neck is now far better than it has been for the past 8 years

Sonja Bottern, Melbourne Australia

 –Sonja BotternMelbourne Australia

My name is Simon. I live in Melbourne, Australia.

I have recently had some personal issues with health and life and was keen to try and get myself back on track with these matters. I am quite a sceptical person and was probably not going to be an easy person to connect with.

I recently was lucky enough to have a personal session, 1 on 1 with Juan d’Argent. After only minutes with Juan I found myself to be quite relaxed and open to whatever was going to be coming my way. This proved to be very beneficial to the whole process as without having that open mindedness, I feel that blocking out Juan would have been the easy thing to do. However, I did not allow myself to be negative and was completely overwhelmed by what happened. I feel now that I have a more positive outlook on life and feel so much better within myself. I hope to connect again with Juan and draw on his energy.

I am very happy to say that I would recommend anyone to allow themselves to immerse in the practises provided by Juan.

Yours Gratefully; Simon.

Simon, Melbourne Australia.

Translation of this testimonial below

Je peux vous assurez qu`en seulement deux sessions de “guérison énergétique” avec Juan, j’ai été totalement guéris et soulager .Je souffrais d’une paralysie partielle de ma main gauche, et après une séance d`à peine 45mins, je pouvais a nouveau bouger mes doigts.

Je `n’arrivais plus à travailler convenablement. Au boulot, la confiance étais nul, ma vie familiale et ma vie professionnelle se diriger tout droit vers la catastrophe, moralement jetais au plus bas.
Apres la deuxième session, je me sentais revivre à nouveau, ayant une confiance absolue et voyais la vie sous des meilleurs auspices. Cela faisait pas mal d`années que cela me hantais et me détruisais lentement. Depuis ma dernière session qui remonte à plus d`un mois et demi, je me sens fort, positif et très confiant .MERCI JUAN POUR CE QUE TU AS FAIT POUR MOI ET A MA FAMILLE.
Richard, ile Maurice.

English Translation

I can assure you that in only two sessions of Energy Healing with Juan, I was completely healed and relieved. I was suffering of partial paralysis of my left hand, and after a session of barely 45mins, I could move my fingers again. I was unable to work properly, my self-confidence was to its lowest, my family life, and professional life was heading straight for disaster. Morally I was thrown to the bottom.
After the second session, I felt alive again, having absolute confidence and saw life with better outlook. This situation has been haunting for years and it was slowly destroying me. Since my last session which goes back over a month and a half, I feel strong, positive and very confident. THANK YOU JUAN FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY.

Richard Mauritius


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