A slap on the cheek

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My slap on the cheek

It so humbling when we are open and paying attention to the daily happening of our life. We see how the universe constantly and gently shows us the lesson we need to learn. We need these lessons to move to the next level of consciousness, to find the true meaning of life on this plane. To benefit from those nudges, we have to understand we are co-creators of those instances. We attract what we are ready to release granted, with a bit of a stench. We need that gentle stretch, or else we will not expand and leave our comfort zone, much like the athlete who pushes himself to improve his performance. I became aware of such an opportunity for spiritual growth in a situation I encountered recently.

A short while ago, I started working at a restaurant in my neighborhood. I believe this opportunity came about to give me a broader circle of people to interact with, not just my coworkers. On one exceptionally busy evening, with a long waiting line, an incident happened. I could not honor a service we provide to a guest. As a regular customer, he knew what he could get. Consequently, he felt inconvenienced and got upset at me. I do not usually take such a thing personally. However, this time I got hot in the face. Promptly noticing my reaction, I stepped back, maintain my composure, and proceeded to give him an alternative to which he agreed. He was still agitated even after receiving the requested service. Before disengaging, I thanked and blessed him. He ignored it.

This incident had a more profound impact on me than I realized. I was still trying to make sense out of this benign incident the following morning. I decided to meditate on it and, that is when I got this insight.

If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Those words from the teaching of one of the great masters, Yeshua Ben Yosef, better known as Jesus, came to me. Probing, deeper I came to understand the following. The interpretation of this Christian Teaching means not to retaliate to oppression. However, my discernment was different. The slap on the cheek is a metaphor for the perception of being wronged or offended, and to turn the other cheek means that we not only refrain from retaliating, but we love the offender.

Why do we need to love the offender?

We expressed love because the offender is just a messenger. We attracted him in our reality to help us move beyond a block that is preventing us from expanding to higher consciousness.  

To be able to Step Up. We need to leave behind old paradigms, beliefs and, the whole stack of old baggage we carry at a conscious or subconscious level. Mostly the subconscious ones. Repressed emotions and trauma need to come up for release. In other words, we need to be thankful to those that trigger us. That does not mean we give away our sovereignty or accept abuse. We will set our boundaries, and on the other hand, the messengers are not to suffer retribution either. They agreed to play an important role in our lives so we can progress on our spiritual path.

In practicality, what do we do?

Acknowledge the trigger, thanked the messenger and, send them love as love is the most powerful tool we have to transmute any energy. Once a trigger is made conscious, it is on its way to being released. Send a prayer of gratitude. Be present, mindful of the changes that are happening in our life. There is no need to dwell in the lower vibration searching for the what or how we got that trigger.

It surfaced, let’s, released it with ease and grace.

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1 thought on “A slap on the cheek”

  1. Je peux vous assurez qu`en seulement deux sesssions de “guérison énergétique” avec Juan, jai etais totalement guerris et soulager .Je souffrais dune paralysie partielle de ma main gauche,et apres une seance d`a peine 45mins,je pouvais a nouveau bouger mes doigts.Je `narrivais plus a travailler convenablement au boulot,la confiance etais nul,ma vie familliale, ma vie professionelle se diriger tout droit vers la catastrophe,moralement jetais au plus bas.Apres la deuxieme session ,je me sentais revivre a nouveau ,ayant une confiance absolue et voyais la vie sous des meilleurs auspices.Cela faisait pas mal d`annes que cela me hantais et me detruisais lentemment.Depuis ma derniere session qui remonte a plus d`un mois et demi,je me sens fort,positive et tres confiant .MERCI JUAN POUR CE QUE TU AS FAIT POUR MOI ET A MA FAMILLE.
    Richard ile Maurice

    Please follow the link to Testimonials to read this along with an English translation. Thanks

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