The Five Reiki Principles

5 Reiki principles

The 5 Reiki Principles by Dr. Mikao Usui

Mikao Usui Sensei founded Reiki on those five precepts

The English may not be grammatically correct as it is a close translation from Japanese.

1 – Just for today, I will not be angry.

Anger at others or oneself or the whole world creates serious blockages in one’s energy. It is the most complex inner enemy. Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages that have accumulated in the body. Letting go of anger brings peace into the mind.

2 – Just for today, I will not worry.

Endless worries may fill one’s head, and each one bores a small hole in one’s body and soul. Letting go of worry brings healing to the body.

3 – Just for today, I will be grateful.

Be grateful from your heart. The inner intention is the basis of this principle. Simple things like thanks, forgiveness, smile, nice words, and gratitude can improve the lives of others and make them happy. Being thankful brings joy into the spirit.

4 – Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others.

5 – Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

Honor your parents, honor your teachers, honor your elders. Being kind brings love into the world.


The video gives us the correct pronunciation of each principle in Japanese by a native speaker.

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7 thoughts on “The Five Reiki Principles”

  1. I love this post. I am keeping this one on hand. Through my teachings I have found that the if one cannot easily do the 5 REIKI PRINCIPLES then there is dis-ease or something that needs to be resolved. If we can easily incorporate the 5 REIKI PRINCIPLES we are much closer living in enlightenment and coming from a place of love. Personally I was on such a journey. I was angry all the time. And, it was because I had not let go of my past traumas and I was not living the way I wanted to live. When I quit my job, and moved to the USA and started living my version of what I wanted I was no longer angry. I also find that I do not get angry often. If I do or I am finding myself in judgement I put myself in their position and also analyze why this has come up and resolve the trigger within me. Thank you Juan for this great post and I am keeping this blog post and copying the 5 REIKI PRINCIPLES onto my mirror.

  2. Juan, I so enjoyed this. I have a yoga teacher who will often open practice with ‘just for today…’ and it’s very freeing. I have incorporated this into my daily practice of being mindful. ‘Just for today’ is very freeing.

    –Kim Ravida

    1. It is such a simple but yet profound principle. In modern marketing they will call it a micro commitment. We commit for one day and this also help live in the present moment.

  3. Juan,

    Nice post. It’s nice to be reminded. Reiki is a great art. I remember how easy it was to teach my young children to do Reiki; it came so naturally. The precepts remind me of one of my teachers who used to say, Don’t worry, don’t hurry, be happy, be peaceful.

    In pure nosiness where do you live that you are getting so much snow?

    Thanks again.


      1. Thanks. I didn’t realize that Maryland was getting so much snow this year. I’m in Connecticut and we haven’t gotten our usual ton:)

        Thanks again.


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