Gassho Meditation

Praying hands

Simplify Gassho Reiki Meditation

Talking to another practitioner the other day, I learned that a large percentage of the level one Reiki students in the west practices a simplified form of Gassho for 21 days after their attunement. They even use background music and Reiki-related mantras. So to be thorough and providing accurate information, I will describe this simplified form here.

As in any meditation, you need to keep in touch with your intuition when doing the meditation. Even as a simplified version, it has merit. So here are the steps:

Steps for Simplify Gassho Meditation:

  • hands in prayer position at the level of the heart
  • close your eyes
  • breathe in the Reiki energy through your nose
  • exhale it through your whole being; the physical body, spiritual body, mental body, and etheric body
  • Feel it flowing out around you in your chair. As breathe, feel it flowing into the room and your house, filling it with the energy of Reiki. Let it expand, flowing into the neighborhood, beyond your country, then the planet, and beyond into the universe.

Other variations used are:

  • drawing of the Reiki symbols, you are attuned to over your body before beginning the meditation
  • listening to soft, background music
  • chanting mantras
  • Ask for guidance about an issue you are currently experiencing. 

Either you chose to do the full or simplify version of the Gassho Meditation is up to you. Either way, as a Reiki student or practitioner, you will benefit from this practice.

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9 thoughts on “Gassho Meditation”

  1. Juan, I will try this – I love mediation but often feel like I don’t have time (not a great mindset, I know =) and this feels very do-able.

    –Kim Ravida

  2. I did not realize there were so many different types of Reiki. Gassho Meditation. The “Gassho” itself is a mudra from Buddhist tradition meaning “two hands coming together.” .Is this also a part of the traditional Japanese Reiki practice? Thanks for sharing this Juan as this technique can help bring life into balance and for opening up to guidance. I like that I can use this to help answer questions when I find myself in a dilemma. What are the Reiki symbols you speak of? Thanks Juan.

    1. Buddhism may have influence this tradition as it is prevalent in Japan. Honestly I do not know what influence Mikao Usui when he introduce this meditation to his student. It is known he was a spiritual scholar, and have had studied many religion and spiritual philosophy including Buddhism and Christianity. As for the Reiki symbols they are those that a level 2 and master received during their attunement. Than you for the comments.

    2. Karen thank you for sharing, your story is such a great example of moving pass false belief. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who goes through life without knowing that there is a better place they can be.

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