Energy Healing and Entrainment.

Entrainment – the pendulum experiment

Entrainment and the pendulum clock

Have you ever walk into a clockmaker shop and noticed that there is only one “tic, toc” even though there may be numerous clock ticking on the wall? Well, that is entrainment. I made that observation when traveling in Germany and visiting several Kuku clock stores. How does that happen? Well! In 1665 a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens observed that if two pendulum clocks are located next to each other on a wall, they will eventually synchronize or entrain. That is, they will beat at the same rhythm. Since then, we have observed that phenomenon in scientific branches such as chemistry, pharmacology, biology, medicine, psychology, sociology, Mother Nature, and Energy Healing.

Human entrainment

A simple definition of entrainment is the tendency for two vibrating bodies to lock into phase and vibrates in harmony. Since this is a natural occurrence, we humans are not immune to it. We have all heard that young women sharing a dorm room tend to ovulate at the same time. Also, have you noticed, when walking down the street with others, your steps tend to synchronize with the other person or persons. That is how we walk in a crowd and do not step onto each other. We are also subjected to entrainment when we listen to music or a stream of running water in the park. Certain music will relax us the same way that the tranquil running water will. In contrast, another form of music may put us in a state of overexcitement. The reason for that is: we will entrain to the frequency of the sound and, depending on the frequency, we will either calm down or get hyperactive. This recent discovery was well known to ancient culture, which explains using drums and other sound-making devices in religious and initiation rituals. Entrainment also happens on an emotional level. No matter how grumpy we are, the sight of a baby laughing will shift our mood even briefly to a less somber one. We will also experience this shift in a social gathering. We tend to entrain to the strongest vibration. Consequently: the mob effect or the sense of invincibility after a self-help seminar; or feeling all pumped up after a pep rally. However, it is short-lasting as we usually get back to our usual mood.

Energy healing is entrainment at a more profound level.

Let us first take a very simplistic look at how healing happens at the metaphysical level. Quite often, the practitioner will lay hands on the subject. The practitioner will somehow connect to the pure universal energy force. He then directs that energy to the client’s different etheric bodies and the physical body. Depending on the client’s receptivity, the channeled energy will release the blocks that cause the symptoms, which allows spontaneous or gradual healing. As the body at the cellular level and even deeper entrain to the pure energy, high frequency, it releases blocks, low frequency, that vas causing imbalance, restoring balance and health at all level.

In actuality, the whole process is more complex and not even explainable at the human level but, this is an accurate description base on my understanding of Energy healing. As we can see from the various example nearly, everything and anyone will entrain to a frequency of some sort. As a general rule, we always entrain to the highest frequency. However, when exposed to multiple strong lower frequencies as, in a mob, we will entrain downward if exposure is long enough.

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What is happening there? As each metronome is set in motion at different times, their movement imparts energy to the environment. So when two adjacent metronomes are in sync, they support each other movement and amplifies the energy. However, when they are out of sync, they impede each other when they release energy.

To be noted

In this video, the metronomes are on a slightly rocky surface. This setting allows them to, more efficiently, impart their energy of motion to the surface. However, when on a regular table, the process would take much longer but, they will eventually entrain.

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